piątek, 4 listopada 2016

Babie lato / spider web season (i.e., Indian Summer)

Autor: Józef Chełmoński (1849–1914) 
Babie lato, 1875

According to the PWN dictionary, in addition to meaning "Indian summer",  babie lato does refer to the spider webs (gossamer) that apparently float in the air during the early autumn:

babie lato «nitki pajęczyny unoszone przez wiatr w pogodne dni wczesnej jesieni; też: takie dni wczesnej jesieni»

babie lato "the threads of spider silk that are carried by the wind during fair weather in early autumn; also such days in early autumn"

Although I didn't realize that there was such a thing, apparently we have the same exact thing in English:


a fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders, which is seen especially in autumn.

Babie is also the adjective for a colloquial word for "woman", baba, so the term for Indian summer can also be interpreted as "women's summer". 

It's a bit confusing to me which came first, and whether it should really be called spider-silk summer or women's summer, so I think I'll stick with the image of spider webs and call leave it at that...

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