środa, 16 listopada 2016

"W listopadzie" - piosenka dla dzieci (?)

Looking around for a children's song, I came across this one - at first I thought it was of the same ilk like the others I had seen a few days ago -- about the rain, the mud, the dark and the chill of November.

As I let it play on Youtube, the melody seemed rather too somber. I heard the words "W listopadzie" and something about the gloomy weather, but it sounded far too sad to be a song for school kids. Then the words in the following stanzas became clear -- read the translation I've done below to see what the song (conceived for school kids to sing) is really about.

In this song, your grammar task is to pay attention to all the third person plural verbs in the past tense, like dali, ending in -li. You can also notice the locative case which is used here with the preposition w ("in") - w listopadzie (nominative is listopad).

W listopadzie

1. W listopadzie pada deszcz. / In November, rain falls
Wiatr po niebie goni chmury. / Wind chases clouds across the sky
Opadają liście z drzew. / Leaves fall from the trees.
Dzień jesienny, czas ponury. / An autumn day, a gloomy time.
Chociaż trudno, chociaż źle. / Although it is difficult, although it is bad.
I żolnierska, ciężka dola. / And the difficult fate of a soldier.
W taki dzień żołnierze szli / It was on this kind of day that the soldiers went
Na bitewne, straszne pola. / To the terrible battlefields.


W listopadzie, w listopadzie / In November, in November
Młodzi chłopcy nie czekali. / Young boys didn't wait
W listopadzie, w listopadzie / In November, in November
Młode serca Polsce dali. / They gave [their] young hearts for Poland.
Na więzienie nie przystali. / They weren't suitable for prison
Na niewolę nie zgodzili. / They didn't agree to servitude
W listopadzie, w listopadzie / In November, in November
Niepodległość wywalczyli. / They fought [and won] independence.

2. Kwitną wrzosy, pusto już. / Heather is blooming, it's empty already.
I ogniska wygaszone./ And the fires have been gone out.
Nie ma chłopców. W polu mgła. / There are no boys. There is fog in the field.
Każdy w swoją poszedł stronę. / Everyone went his own way.
Będą teraz godnie żyć. / They will now live in dignity.
Już nie trzeba poswięcenia. / No sacrifices needed anymore.
W domu kwiaty. Minął czas / At home there are flowers. Time has passed
Bólu, trwogi i cierpienia. / of pain, fear [or even terror] and suffering.


W listopadzie, w listopadzie / In November, in November
Młodzi chłopcy nie czekali. / Young boys didn't wait
W listopadzie, w listopadzie / In November, in November
Młode serca Polsce dali. / They gave [their] young hearts for Poland.
Na więzienie nie przystali. / They weren't suitable for prison
Na niewolę nie zgodzili. / They didn't agree to servitude
W listopadzie, w listopadzie / In November, in November
Niepodległość wywalczyli. / They fought [and won] independence.

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