poniedziałek, 31 października 2016


Autor zdjęcia: …trialsanderrors, Wikimedia Commons
Magician Harry Kellar drinking bruderszaft with the devil, 1899

Przejście na “Ty” / Bruderszaft
(colloquially called "brudzio", from the German Bruderschaft, "brotherhood")

My friend Szczepan in Warsaw created a dialogue to illustrate how two students might agree to switch to the informal form of address. The dialogue is between an older (Dawid) and younger (Idzi) student. Here is an abbreviated version:

Dawid: Panie Idzi, wydaję mi się, że mogę panu zaproponować bruderszafta.
Idzi: Oczywiście, panie Dawidzie, to jest Dawid, Idzi jestem!
Dawid: Fajnie/Świetnie, mów mi Dawid.

And here are some guidelines regarding who can/should propose switching to "Ty":

The principles of good manners dictate that the following hierarchy should be observed in proposing that the informal form of address be used:
  • starsi do młodszych / older to younger
  • kobiety do mężczyzn / women to men
  • wyżsi do niższych rangą / higher ranking to lower ranking
  • szefowie do podwładnych / bosses to subordinates
  • profesorowie do doktorów / professors to those with doctorates

In general, it seems that Poles seem to be becoming less strict about using Pan/Pani, particularly in firms. Perhaps this is the result of foreign influences and models of corporate norms of behavior that have been present since 1989.

I have read that nowadays it is quite common for people in companies to address each other informally, not only amongst people of similar status, but even with their superiors. This is surely not true universally, however!

So -- if in doubt, err on the side of caution and stick with Pan/Pani!

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