wtorek, 4 października 2016

Week 3, Part I: Czy to jest filiżanka czy podłoga? :-)

Below please find the dialogues that we have been practicing in class this week and last week, and the vocabulary list (at the bottom).

On Wednesday morning, I will also post a recording I have made.

Please practice and study these, with the aim of being able to reproduce them as fluently as possible, and hopefully attain Pani Mercedes' exacting speed standards...! 

This is an actual Polish filiżanka herbaty - note the traditional glass cup, and tea leaves at the bottom. It looks like the spoon might be a light-weight aluminum one, because it seems like the photo might have been taken in a Bar mleczny (beloved inexpensive cafeteria-style restaurants known as "Milk Bars" that are becoming increasingly rare).

Dialog 1:

Student A: 
Pani Stasiu/Pani Mariano/Panie Dawidzie, proszę mi powiedzieć...
Czy to jest lampa?

Student B:
Tak, to jest lampa, albo
Nie, to nie jest lampa. To jest zeszyt.

Student A:

Then say 'proszę' to your partner to indicate it is his or her turn, or say: 'Teraz pana/pani kolej.' ('Now it is your turn.')

Dialog 2:

Student A:
Pani Stasiu/Pani Mariano/Panie Dawidzie, proszę mi powiedzieć...

Czy to jest lampa czy fortepian?

Student B: 
To jest lampa, a to jest fortepian.

Student A: 
Aha, dziękuję. 
Proszę. / 'Teraz Pana/Pani kolej.'



zeszyt - notebook
książka - book
podręcznik - textbook kawa - coffee
termos - thermos 
film, filmy (są) - film, films
słuchawki (są) - earphones
fortepian - (grand) piano
stół - table
okno - window
krzesło - chair
kreda - chalk
pióro/długopis - (fountain) pen / ball-point pen
papier - paper
butelka - bottle
woda - water
filiżanka - cup (tea cup - not mug, which is kubek)
herbata - tea
komórka  - cell-phone, affectionate abbreviation for telefon komórkowy, from word for "cell", komórka
zegarek - wristwatch
zasłony (są) - curtains (heavy), dainty/see-through ones are firanki
sufit - ceiling
tablica - chalkboard/whiteboard
podłoga - floor
ściana - wall
obraz - picture (on wall, or any picture)
drzwi (są - plurale tantum) - door
lampa - lamp
lustro - mirror

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